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Second Baptist JAM Social Media Posts
Second Baptist JAM Social Media Posts

Welcome to JAM Children's Ministry!

Welcome to JAM – Jesus and Me! New and exciting content in a colorful and vibrant location filled with love, new friends, and God’s Word! Come and join our Children’s Ministry! Aligning with the Core Values of our church, we present our Children’s Ministry in an environment that is: Christ-Centered, Bible-Based, Safe, Nurturing, Creative, Fun, Relational, Servant-minded, and Age Appropriate.

JAM Children's Ministry is available during Sunday morning services starting at 9:30am. 

Second Baptist JAM Social Media Posts

Our Vision

To Lead and Nurture our children in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, in a loving and caring environment.

Our Mission

To equip children to know and love God, themselves, and people and to continue to grow through fun, while training them for effective kingdom-building.

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